I've learned a thing or two about suffering for purpose. What does that mean, you ask? When I lost my oldest daughter Caroline to a rare pediatric cancer just shy of her 8th birthday, I was devastated, broken, my life forever altered. What I couldn't have imagined was that facing this unfathomable grief would also become one of my greatest gifts. The journey of healing, forgiveness and faith became the gateway for me to confront the traumas and shame that had built up in and around me throughout my life.

Life’s GPS took me on one painful ride after another, with many detours and stops along the way.When it came to experiencing “the really tough stuff,” I could check ALL the boxes, yet here I was, still standing, laughing and stronger than before. What I came to realize is that I possessed resilience superpowers, stored deep within, that prepared me to face any obstacle, and in time, find purpose through the pain.

I believe in telling it like it is, and my sense of humor has a way of lightening even the heaviest load. Laughter may be the best medicine but it’s also a lifeline to keep us from drowning when things get to be too much. It’s the combination of my true authenticity, vulnerability and sense of humor that welcomes easy conversation, even when facing the toughest of topics.

If any of this tugs at your soul, then we already share a common bond—connected in our vulnerability and shared experiences. It's in that same connection that we can share our stories of hardship, resilience and hope. It’s not just my story or yours… it's about all of us finding light and laughter through the darkness - and even some superpowers -in the face of what seems impossible.  Together we can SHINE FORWARD!


I HELP people find LIGHT and laughter amid adversity

Still a newlywed, I cherish my wonderful family, which includes my daughters, two stepsons, one four-legged furry pup, and our anchor, my incredibly supportive (and courageous) husband. If you had to use one word to describe me, it's passionate! I carry an energy that precedes me, laughing out loud and often find myself caught in the act of enjoying the moment. My favorite things include french fries of any kind, long walk-n-talks with my besties, traveling anywhere, and regular dance parties in the kitchen with my family.  I’m beyond blessed to be surrounded by the most amazing village of family and friends! Their love and support have helped me overcome significant hardship and trauma, inspiring me to share my story and shine forward to help others.

One of my favorite mottos

“Despite today’s storm, tomorrow can be SUNNY with a chance of HAPPINESS.”